Knowledge Center


June 13, 2024

Preventing Falls in Aging Services: A Comprehensive Approach

Preventing resident falls in aging services settings is a complex challenge, requiring a multifaceted approach tailored to each individual's needs. Falls can lead to severe injuries and a decline in t...


April 23, 2024

Safeguarding Lives: Strategies to Prevent Choking Risks in Health and Human Services Settings

Choking is a serious and potentially life-threatening issue that demands careful attention, especially in health and human services settings where vulnerable individuals may be at higher risk. Underst...


April 19, 2024

Safeguarding Vulnerable Individuals: A Comprehensive Approach to Elopement Prevention in Care Facilities

Elopement, the unsupervised departure of individuals with cognitive, physical, mental, emotional, or chemical impairments from caregiving facilities, poses a significant risk to resident safety and we...


June 08, 2023

Canadian Wildfire Smoke Exposure: Protecting Outdoor Workers and Mitigating Health Risks

We’re certainly in an unusual situation given the impact from the Canadian wildfires. Here’s some information you should consider if you have employees working outdoors.   Ch...


March 17, 2022

NYCIRB Announces Withdrawal from the NCCI Experience Rating Plan

The New York Compensation Insurance Rating Board will now stand completely on its own just like NJ, CA, PA, DE, MI and all the monopolistic states.  It was recently announced that they are withdr...


December 27, 2021

2021 Graham Advisor Newsletter (Digital Issue)

2021 Graham Advisor...


March 30, 2021

Federal OSHA COVID-19 related Complaints and Inspections

OSHA has published statistics on their response to the COVID-19 Pandemic. According to the OSHA COVID-19 Response summary, between February 1, 2020 and March 7, 2021 Federal OSHA has received at total...


February 08, 2021

Do I need to report work-related COVID-19 hospitalizations or deaths?

On January 1, 2015, OSHA established the latest requirements for reporting work-related deaths and work-related hospitalizations. The COVID-19 pandemic has not changed any of those requirements. Accor...


October 27, 2020

CDC Redefines “Close Contact”

What changed? The CDC updated the guidance on how COVID-19 may be spread to uninfected people based on recent study findings. The CDC changed the definition of “close contact” as it relate...


August 31, 2020

A Strategic Approach to Recover and Recapture Your Work Culture

We have all now felt, and continue to feel, the impact of the first modern age global health crisis. The unprecedented disruption to the way the world literally “works” now carries with it a...


July 29, 2020

Humantech – Ergonomics Evaluation Tool

Background Manual material handling (MMH) type incidents impact 72% of Graham clients.  In the last 5 years, MMH is the 2nd leading cause of incidents for Graham clients in terms of frequen...


April 29, 2020

COVID-19: Temperature Screening of Personnel

As organizations implement protocols for personnel to safely return to work, one of the protocols may be temperature screening. One of the symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19) listed on the CD...


April 27, 2020

COVID-19: Work Protocols Needed

Workers compensation insurance carriers are experiencing a significant number of COVID-19-related workers compensation claims. As a result, at least one insurance carrier is requiring confer...


April 15, 2020

COVID-19: Building Security Considerations & Staff Notification Letter

To help your organization respond to questions surrounding COVID‐19, we have provided the following risk management recommendations and steps to reduce your legal exposure while continuing o...


March 13, 2020

COVID-19: Risk Management Considerations to Reduce Legal Exposure

The following post highlights COVID-19 risk management considerations, steps to reduce your legal exposure while continuing operations and an overview of how insurance policies/coverage will respond t...

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